computer learning tech culture video

Digital literacy, Digital citizenship and digital equity

Sources: ISTE Digital Citizenship Wikipedia Digital Literacy

This is a graduate studies assignment.

computer learning computer tips energy efficiency Going Green photo special publishing tech culture video

Accommodating learning

This is a graduate studies assignment. Showing different accommodations including magnifying, adding light, typing, speech to text, and text to speech.

energy efficiency Going Green tech culture


I’ve been biking most days during winter. Today I start a new round of #30daysofbiking for April. just after attending virtual #bikesummit22

programming tech culture

Happy Pi Day

π 3.14….

computer learning computer tips energy efficiency Going Green tech culture

Happy earth day!

A day to remember to take care of the place we are everyday of the year.

Taking care of your equipment such as computers monitors smartphones and tablets and properly cleaning it out can make it last longer avoiding improper disposal, and reducing the energy and materials needed to make new devices.

Don’t overlook used and refurbished equipment especially if you are good at solving problems with equipment. Upgrading a computer with a solid state drive can speed it up significantly.

Using portable devices such as smart phones and tablets can save energy compared to using a traditional desktop computer. Using less screens can also save energy.

Remember to unplug your charger from the wall when not charging equipment such as a smart phone. Laptops/notebook should only be plugged in sometimes not all the time.

you can use your computer to save you from driving or printing things by doing things such as business meetings, banking, insurance, and taxes online.

Use energy / power saving settings on your computing device. The monitor does not need to be on when nobody is there to use the computer.

Put your device into sleep mode (or off) while your taking a jog or riding bike to work.

Remember to reuse things, not only for their original use, but you may be able to find new uses for your old products or packages.

reduce the energy and water you use. Reduce the wasteful products you buy such as those with heavy packaging or those that require a lot of shipping. Less animal foods/products.

Not only recycle, but buy recycled products when possible.

Typing this to you on my solar powered keyboard. Remember when possible use renewable energy. I will be biking later to my 2nd job with my dynamo powered light.

computer tips tech culture

Why Herbergers and Bonton failed to meet customer expectations.

Some of these are my personal reasons why I didn’t buy as much at Herbergers but I’m also looking at big picture

  1. Feeling unwelcome when coming into the store. Someone (that may not work there) right away is trying to sell a coupon book or a credit card. Having to walk through perfume and makeup counters if that isn’t what you’re planning on buying. Other times no one is at the front of the store.
  2. Lack of employees on sales floor and check out during 2017 holiday season.
  3. Check out process taking very long 2016 & 2017. There were long waits with just a few people in line that had just a few items.
  4. They sell to a niche group. They primarily targeted to traditional women’s clothing even though they did have some more modern styles and men’s clothing and housewares. Many women don’t even wear traditional women’s clothes.
  5. They kept the traditional department store concept where you check out in the department instead of at the front of the store. Many customers aren’t use to this.
  6. Too big of a corporation taking over regional chains. In this case bigger made the stores worse both in physical size and the size of the corporation.
  7. Web site failures.
  8.  Coupon restrictions
  9. Poor customer service. Not putting customers 1st. I was asked to look for a price tag when an item didn’t have it. I have memories of store employees scolding when I was younger (such as being on the escalator).  Many people I checked out with were friendly though.
computer learning computer tips programming tech culture video

How does a computer work made a short video series of how computers work in simple terms

input storage process output

computer tips energy efficiency tech culture

How to have GPS without cellular data on your smart phone

There are at least 2 different ways of getting maps on your mobile phone for GPS navigation without having to use cellular data:

  1. download an app that has an entire map set such as TomTom
  2. Google maps app lets you download a portion of a map for “offline access” iOS   Android

Of course you could use a stand alone gps or paper maps too. But who wants to buy or carry the extra things?

computer tips energy efficiency special publishing tech culture

how I save

A lot of times I talk about the energy savings of what I do but rarely talk about the money I save (at least on this blog).  Doing these requires a change in attitude and behavior.

  • I save thousands of dollars every year by giving up my car ( I still have my drivers license).
    • Saving on repairs, oil changes, car washes, parking, insurance, and gasoline.
    • It also improves my health greatly and reduces my impact on the environment.
    •  I do this through several means including biking more, using web based services, and walking.
    • more about this in my ebook Datacommuting available on iBooks, Amazon (Kindle) and Nook
  • I save by not having a printer.
    • This not only directly saves money on toner or ink, paper and electricity but also saves a lot of space.
    • This is both the space the printer itself takes up and the space it takes to retain paper documents.
    • Documents are digitally stored.
    • When I need something printed I go to library, or print shop, or photo processor.
    • I still use scanners to scan in photos and documents that are not already available in digital form.
  • I save hundreds of dollars a year by having a prepaid phone instead of a contract phone.
    • My smart phone is over 3 years old so I’m saving money by not buying a new phone.
    • Unfortunately the plan I have isn’t available any more for new customers but my carrier is allowing me to stay on that plan.
  • I avoid using devices with disposable batteries.
    •  My bike lights use a dynamo in the wheel hub.
    • My keyboard is solar powered.
    • I use dynamo (crank powered) flashlights and radio
    • other devices use rechargeable batteries
    • some devices I eliminate altogether (like devices that a smart phone app can replace)
  • Using LED lights not only saves electricity, but they rarely need to be replaced.
  • There are other simple ways I save by not having bad habits such as drinking pop or coffee or worse.
  • I save money by not eating meat sometimes
  • I avoid using plastic grocery bags (by using reusable bags and my bike packs) and the bags I do get such as those that have bread or vegetables I reuse as waste basket liner.
computer tips energy efficiency tech culture

Quick story about an iPhone

An iPhone 5c (the plastic version with different colors) has lasted over 3 and half years. One time recently It was able to keep a charge (without being charged) for 2 weeks. It was shut off for quite a bit of that time.
running short on blog post so I thought I’d share that

Content ©1999 - Nathan Steffenson, Nate's Computer Services - All rights reserved. - Be Green! save money and energy. Please do not print this web page.