computer learning computer tips energy efficiency Going Green photo video

Ways of using Notes and other apps

On my iPad I demonstrate different uses for the Notes App as well as looking at Microsoft Word, safari, calendar, and reminders app. This is a graduate studies assignment.

computer learning tech culture video

Digital literacy, Digital citizenship and digital equity

Sources: ISTE Digital Citizenship Wikipedia Digital Literacy

This is a graduate studies assignment.

computer learning computer tips energy efficiency Going Green photo special publishing tech culture video

Accommodating learning

This is a graduate studies assignment. Showing different accommodations including magnifying, adding light, typing, speech to text, and text to speech.

photo video

Onamia Days

computer tips video

Good Afternoon May 6 2020

Every morning my door gets drenched with sanitizer and today there was a planned fighter jet fly by I didn’t know about until I heard it.

I like less traffic in streets but this stay at home order has not been good for me and my health.

My Site updates photo video

video from July 2018

My Site updates photo video

Video from April May 2018


energy efficiency Going Green My Site updates special publishing video

Started 30 days of biking

Started biking in Brainerd MN for April with some snow on the ground.

more about 30 days of biking
April 1 Bike around from where I live to around the high school and back.
April 2  Bike to after school program where I work (ISD 181) and back
April 3  Bike to after school program where I work (ISD 181) and back
April 4  Bike to YMCA, then after school program where I work (ISD 181) and back
April 4 Bike to ATM and Family dollar.
April 5  Bike to cub foods to get groceries
April 5 Bike to after school program where I work(ISD 181) and back
April 6  Bike to after school program where I work (ISD 181), then the YMCA,  and back
April 7  Bike to  YMCA and back
April 8  Bike to  YMCA and back
April 10 Bike to Vote
April 10 Bike to YMCA, then after school program where I work (ISD 181) and back
April 11 Bike to after school program
April 12 Bike to after school program
April 13 Bike to after school program
April 14 Bike to YMCA, and video of birds
April 15 Bike to YMCA and Family Dollar in snow
Biking in Snow April 15 2018
Biking in Snow April 15 2018


Feb 2018 videos

basketball 2-27-2018

ice skating party

tour of my apartment

me and my brother ice skate when young with Gma and mom. Feb 15 1987

more of the valentines ice skating party Feb 10 2018

Sundog and sunrise, and moon set

photo video

Videos November 21 2017 – January 31 2018

More videos at my YouTube Channel

More videos at my YouTube Channel

Content ©1999 - Nathan Steffenson, Nate's Computer Services - All rights reserved. - Be Green! save money and energy. Please do not print this web page.