computer learning computer tips programming tech culture video

How does a computer work made a short video series of how computers work in simple terms

input storage process output

computer tips photo video

After the Storm in Duluth

more recent videos:





My Site updates video

Some videos from this summer

I have been forgetting to link these videos on my blog. So I will share some with you. More videos at my YouTube Channel



More videos at my YouTube Channel

Going Green video

How to get by without a car.

June 1 2012 I got rid of my car and I have not wanted it back. Primarily by using the web instead of driving as well as biking and walking.

preview of the ebook
Republished from Aug 9 2012
In Brainerd)
So I was going to take 60 days to see whether I could get by without a car before insurance would go up. Yes, I can get by without a car. Yes, I can get by without rides from friends and family (I have had a few from family and one family friend, but they weren’t necessary). Yes, I like not having a car. I will continue to walk, bike, take bus, or car pool.
So how else besides walking and biking do I get around or could get around?
I use email, phone.
Video conferencing( Skype, Yahoo Messenger, or Face Time ), screen sharing, text messaging and facebook and other social media.
Online Meetings with GoToMeeting
Brainerd & Crow Wing Public Transit
Jefferson Lines
Brainerd & Crow Wing County Regional Airport BRD
Paul Bunyan Trail
Grab a Cab (started since original article written
Brainerd Area Taxi
Executive express (took over lakes express fleet)
Reichert Bus Service

photo video

Photo Pencil holder video part 2


Videos from summer 2016


Videos sat April 2 2016

Robins, geese, coots, mallards swan

helicopters fly over Brainerd

My Site updates video

Raven moving sticks


St Patrick Parade, Fireworks Videos from Mar 12 2016


Video Saint Croix Falls

Content ©1999 - Nathan Steffenson, Nate's Computer Services - All rights reserved. - Be Green! save money and energy. Please do not print this web page.