On my iPad I demonstrate different uses for the Notes App as well as looking at Microsoft Word, safari, calendar, and reminders app. This is a graduate studies assignment.
Category: energy efficiency
This is a graduate studies assignment. Showing different accommodations including magnifying, adding light, typing, speech to text, and text to speech.
I’ve been biking most days during winter. Today I start a new round of #30daysofbiking for April. just after attending virtual #bikesummit22
Bicycle Alliance of Minnesota added new online material for distance learning

We are reminded how intertwined we all are around the planet.
With shortages of supplies, we are reminded how to conserve these, the value of these items, the value of making them and those that make and grow them.
Crude oil in the United States monetary value is less than $0 (it has to be paid to be taken away). Traffic is down. Many types of pollution are down including noise and air pollution.
Datacommuting is being used more and more so we can still stay connected and conduct business that does not have need to be done in person. We are finding many new apps and methods that help meet this need as we stay at home whether it be for distance learning, having fun at home, seeing commercial news reports done from home, connecting with fitness class at home, for taking care of a rover on mars, or for office work.
We are reminded how important our time is outside. By missing some people we care about we remember how important they are.
We are reminded how important the people that take care of our recycling is. And those that take out garbage that we can’t find a way to recycle.
For more tips you can look at some of my past post going green
E-file taxes
originally published Jan 31 2015
A reminder: instead of using all of those paper forms, why not e-file your taxes? It’s quicker, eliminates errors, and if you save to your computer instead of printing it’s better for the environment. (I recommend a backup either on a flash drive, online or both). Also choosing direct deposit, will allow you to receive your refund faster and not worry about getting to the bank. Choosing direct withdraw will allow you to save mailing or writing a check.
There are several ways to e-file:
On your own: In MN for income tax return http://www.revenue.state.mn.us/
Most providers have you go through an interview process, so it is different than filling out paper forms on your own that can make it more likely to make a mistake. Calculations are built in.
In the USA: http://www.irs.gov/Filing/E-File-Options
Also most tax preparers have the ability to e-file your income tax return, just double check before you decide to go with the provider and you can choose direct deposit as well.
Most business taxes (other than individual income) in MN requires e-filing.
Home owners can also submit property tax rebate online for free http://www.revenue.state.mn.us/
Renters can e-file with https://efile-express.com (there may be a fee) or use the software with your income tax return filing (you may need to print the form or transfer it to the M1PR form sent to you in the mail).
MN Department of Revenue site:
IRS web site
(this site is not affiliated with any of the links or organizations above in this post, and shouldn’t be considered tax advice)

A day to remember to take care of the place we are everyday of the year.
Taking care of your equipment such as computers monitors smartphones and tablets and properly cleaning it out can make it last longer avoiding improper disposal, and reducing the energy and materials needed to make new devices.
Don’t overlook used and refurbished equipment especially if you are good at solving problems with equipment. Upgrading a computer with a solid state drive can speed it up significantly.
Using portable devices such as smart phones and tablets can save energy compared to using a traditional desktop computer. Using less screens can also save energy.
Remember to unplug your charger from the wall when not charging equipment such as a smart phone. Laptops/notebook should only be plugged in sometimes not all the time.
you can use your computer to save you from driving or printing things by doing things such as business meetings, banking, insurance, and taxes online.
Use energy / power saving settings on your computing device. The monitor does not need to be on when nobody is there to use the computer.
Put your device into sleep mode (or off) while your taking a jog or riding bike to work.
Remember to reuse things, not only for their original use, but you may be able to find new uses for your old products or packages.
reduce the energy and water you use. Reduce the wasteful products you buy such as those with heavy packaging or those that require a lot of shipping. Less animal foods/products.
Not only recycle, but buy recycled products when possible.
Typing this to you on my solar powered keyboard. Remember when possible use renewable energy. I will be biking later to my 2nd job with my dynamo powered light.

Make earth Day every day. We are here every day.
I have kept up with 30 days of biking so far (and probably won’t quit after April is done either)
My book Datacommuting has tips on how to use data communications to reduce your commute available on iBooks, Amazon (Kindle) and Nook
There many ways of reducing paper waste including by using your computerized device, using online billing and banking, and using web sharing.
Reduce your energy consumption by using settings, control panel energy saver/power savings feature on computers, phones, and tablets. These settings can allow your display to turn off automatically, go to sleep and more. If you have a network of computers use a network profile to save energy consumption. Remember to unplug chargers. Turn off any radios not used on smart phones and tablets, these include bluetooth, gps/location, wifi, cellular data. So know what you use. Always unplug chargers from wall (or switch off with power strip) when not charging, don’t leave laptops, phones, or tablets on charger when fully charged.
Portable devices typically will use less energy (especially when people remember to unplug chargers) than desktop computers and use less than television sets (with extra devices attached)
Smart thermostats and programmable thermostats can also reduce your energy consumption if used correctly.
Be green. Recycle. recycling just one aluminum can can save enough energy to power a computer for 4 hours. Recycle or reuse your used electronics as they are hazardous waste. Keeping your device clean can extend its life.

Started biking in Brainerd MN for April with some snow on the ground.
April 1 Bike around from where I live to around the high school and back.
April 2 Bike to after school program where I work (ISD 181) and back
April 3 Bike to after school program where I work (ISD 181) and back
April 4 Bike to YMCA, then after school program where I work (ISD 181) and back
April 4 Bike to ATM and Family dollar.
April 5 Bike to cub foods to get groceries
April 5 Bike to after school program where I work(ISD 181) and back
April 6 Bike to after school program where I work (ISD 181), then the YMCA, and back
April 7 Bike to YMCA and back
April 8 Bike to YMCA and back
April 10 Bike to Vote
April 10 Bike to YMCA, then after school program where I work (ISD 181) and back
April 11 Bike to after school program
April 12 Bike to after school program
April 13 Bike to after school program
April 14 Bike to YMCA, and video of birds
April 15 Bike to YMCA and Family Dollar in snow

There are at least 2 different ways of getting maps on your mobile phone for GPS navigation without having to use cellular data:
- download an app that has an entire map set such as TomTom
- Google maps app lets you download a portion of a map for “offline access” iOS Android
Of course you could use a stand alone gps or paper maps too. But who wants to buy or carry the extra things?