My Site updates photo video

video from July 2018

My Site updates photo video

Video from April May 2018


computer learning computer tips energy efficiency Going Green special publishing

Happy Earth Day!

Make earth Day every day. We are here every day.
I have kept up with 30 days of biking so far (and probably won’t quit after April is done either)
My book Datacommuting has tips on how to use data communications to reduce your commute available on iBooks, Amazon (Kindle) and Nook
There many ways of reducing paper waste including by using your computerized device, using online billing and banking, and using web sharing.
Reduce your energy consumption by using settings, control panel energy saver/power savings feature on computers, phones, and tablets. These settings can allow your display to turn off automatically, go to sleep and more. If you have a network of computers use a network profile to save energy consumption. Remember to unplug chargers. Turn off any radios not used on smart phones and tablets, these include bluetooth, gps/location, wifi, cellular data. So know what you use. Always unplug chargers from wall (or switch off with power strip) when not charging, don’t leave laptops, phones, or tablets on charger when fully charged.
Portable devices typically will use less energy (especially when people remember to unplug chargers) than desktop computers and use less than television sets (with extra devices attached)
Smart thermostats and programmable thermostats can also reduce your energy consumption if used correctly.
Be green. Recycle. recycling just one aluminum can can save enough energy to power a computer for 4 hours. Recycle or reuse your used electronics as they are hazardous waste.  Keeping your device clean can extend its life.

energy efficiency Going Green My Site updates special publishing video

Started 30 days of biking

Started biking in Brainerd MN for April with some snow on the ground.

more about 30 days of biking
April 1 Bike around from where I live to around the high school and back.
April 2  Bike to after school program where I work (ISD 181) and back
April 3  Bike to after school program where I work (ISD 181) and back
April 4  Bike to YMCA, then after school program where I work (ISD 181) and back
April 4 Bike to ATM and Family dollar.
April 5  Bike to cub foods to get groceries
April 5 Bike to after school program where I work(ISD 181) and back
April 6  Bike to after school program where I work (ISD 181), then the YMCA,  and back
April 7  Bike to  YMCA and back
April 8  Bike to  YMCA and back
April 10 Bike to Vote
April 10 Bike to YMCA, then after school program where I work (ISD 181) and back
April 11 Bike to after school program
April 12 Bike to after school program
April 13 Bike to after school program
April 14 Bike to YMCA, and video of birds
April 15 Bike to YMCA and Family Dollar in snow
Biking in Snow April 15 2018
Biking in Snow April 15 2018


Feb 2018 videos

basketball 2-27-2018

ice skating party

tour of my apartment

me and my brother ice skate when young with Gma and mom. Feb 15 1987

more of the valentines ice skating party Feb 10 2018

Sundog and sunrise, and moon set

photo video

Videos November 21 2017 – January 31 2018

More videos at my YouTube Channel

More videos at my YouTube Channel

computer tips energy efficiency special publishing tech culture

how I save

A lot of times I talk about the energy savings of what I do but rarely talk about the money I save (at least on this blog).  Doing these requires a change in attitude and behavior.

  • I save thousands of dollars every year by giving up my car ( I still have my drivers license).
    • Saving on repairs, oil changes, car washes, parking, insurance, and gasoline.
    • It also improves my health greatly and reduces my impact on the environment.
    •  I do this through several means including biking more, using web based services, and walking.
    • more about this in my ebook Datacommuting available on iBooks, Amazon (Kindle) and Nook
  • I save by not having a printer.
    • This not only directly saves money on toner or ink, paper and electricity but also saves a lot of space.
    • This is both the space the printer itself takes up and the space it takes to retain paper documents.
    • Documents are digitally stored.
    • When I need something printed I go to library, or print shop, or photo processor.
    • I still use scanners to scan in photos and documents that are not already available in digital form.
  • I save hundreds of dollars a year by having a prepaid phone instead of a contract phone.
    • My smart phone is over 3 years old so I’m saving money by not buying a new phone.
    • Unfortunately the plan I have isn’t available any more for new customers but my carrier is allowing me to stay on that plan.
  • I avoid using devices with disposable batteries.
    •  My bike lights use a dynamo in the wheel hub.
    • My keyboard is solar powered.
    • I use dynamo (crank powered) flashlights and radio
    • other devices use rechargeable batteries
    • some devices I eliminate altogether (like devices that a smart phone app can replace)
  • Using LED lights not only saves electricity, but they rarely need to be replaced.
  • There are other simple ways I save by not having bad habits such as drinking pop or coffee or worse.
  • I save money by not eating meat sometimes
  • I avoid using plastic grocery bags (by using reusable bags and my bike packs) and the bags I do get such as those that have bread or vegetables I reuse as waste basket liner.
computer learning computer tips Going Green

Cleaning a smart phone or tablet

I show cleaning a smart phone and case using electronic cleaning wipes, a pic, microfiber cloth, and a blower tool. The phone used in this video is an Apple iPhone 5c.

computer tips photo video

After the Storm in Duluth

more recent videos:





My Site updates video

Some videos from this summer

I have been forgetting to link these videos on my blog. So I will share some with you. More videos at my YouTube Channel



More videos at my YouTube Channel

Content ©1999 - Nathan Steffenson, Nate's Computer Services - All rights reserved. - Be Green! save money and energy. Please do not print this web page.