photo special publishing

TBT – Utopia Zoo

This fictional post was originally published in February 1999 as  web page assignments part of  web design interactive television class with Mr Kresha.
Back then, my teachers and my dad helped write some of the content and I did the web page design. I have updated with more recent photos that I have taken and combined these items into a single post. Utopia Zoo and San Jose Sentinal (both fictional)

Utopia Zoo

Welcome to our municipal zoo. All ages are welcome.
All Animals are caged
|| all || animals || are caged ||

Our Lineup

At Utopia Zoo, we pride ourselves on our ultimate selection of animals.
Here is an assortment of animals to visit:

Animal Name Best viewing season

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–Fictional story–
San Jose Sentinal

[Sports] [National] [World] [Headlines] [Start of Post]

You’re in Headlines

  • New Newspaper
  • Elephant Escapes

World: Tragedy


  • Snow Birds Invade


Welcome to the Newest Newspaper!
SAN JOSE-The San Jose Sentinel welcomes all readers in the San Jose area. In this, our first issue, we hope to give you a quality newspaper. We truly believe that you will enjoy what you read.
Elephant Escapes From Utopia Zoo
animal04UTOPIA-Some zoo employees found the gate to the elephant field was open at 9 AM yesterday morning. Tim the aging African Elephant had escaped.
The elephant not known for causing trouble was making a terrible mess downtown near the East Utopia Shopping Center. He was wrecking cars and scaring people. Neither the police nor the zookeepers have caught the elephant as of now.
If you have seen Tim the elephant please contact the Utopia Zoo or the police.

–fictional story–

San Jose Sentinal

[sports] [National] [World] [Headlines] [Start of Post]



Baseball Stadium Vandalized

baseball stadiumPolice report a large amount of damage to the San Jose Baseball Stadium. Numerous places of the field were tore up, dugouts were damaged and the security fence was knocked over. Several piles of a foul smelling green substance were discovered. A grounds keeper joked that it looked like elephant poop. Police are continuing to investigate but have no leads.
–Fictional story–

San Jose Sentinal

[Sports] [National] [World] [Headlines] [Start of Post]

National News

2-23-99 Easter Bunny Found In Florida


TAMPA-In the surprise to many people, the Easter Bunny, was seen rabbitat the Sunny Estates Retirement Center. The Easter Bunny upon being found said, “I’m getting old, it’s time for me to rest.”
Residents at Sunny Estates welcomed the Easter Bunny with joy and delight.
–fictional story–

San Jose Sentinal

[Sports] [National] [World] [Headlines] [Start of Post]

PEKINGESE, ARFLAND – A tragedy struck this morning in Pekingese when the Tabbies of Purrma tried to overtake the government of Arfland. The two sides fought like cats and dogs. Unfortunately, the Pekingese were overtaken by the sharp and lethal weapons of the Tabbies.
–fictional story–

Going Green

The work and costs involved in using and retaining paper

Here’s a Throwback Thursday for you

  • The work and costs involved in using and retaining paper are much higher than being paperless.

I have been personally been working on being paperless for at least 5 years now.
The costs of having paper:

  • Disorganized: Paper made me very disorganized, whether it was a messy desk, locker, room, or apartment. The number one thing making me disorganized was paper. Now being closer to paperless, I’m able to be somewhat organized.
  • Storage: there are a lot of cost associated with the storage of paper. It can be square footage, shelving, or file cabinets.
  • Physical work, physical pain. Having papers has caused me a lot of physical work as well as physical pain. I’ve got papercuts, back pain from too many books, and sliced my foot on a paper cutter.  Shock and burn from laser printer. Other health problems with the dusts from paper. Physical work putting furniture together and moving furniture.
    when I was 12 years old making a book shelf for the books I accumulated
    when I was 12 years old making a book shelf for the books I accumulated

    cutting with a miter saw as part of an OK 4-H project
    cutting with a miter saw as part of an OK 4-H project

    me with a backpack carrying books and papers in the early 1990s
    me with a backpack carrying books and papers in the early 1990s
  • Actual tangible  costs of paper, folders, printers, ink, pens, pencils, printing, mailing, recycling, and disposal.
  • Paper is harder for people with certain disabilities to use.

My solutions:

  1. get everything electronically in the 1st place and keep them electronic. Instead of printing important emails, I just save them. I use online banking, online bills, automatic deposits and payments, and insurance statements and download and backup.
  2. Share my items electronically instead of printing. Such as photos and documents. Sending receipts by email to customers. Use online meetings and share with online storage.
  3. Scan every paper item I can that is not already in electronic form. This includes receipts, paper bills, and paper notices.
  4. Use digital photography and only have my best photos printed, or only when someone request one printed.
  5. Recycle all junk mail, and recycle scanned items that do not need a physical paper copy.
  6. Request to be taken off junk mail lists and phone book lists:
    1. Yellow Page optout
    2. Opt out of pre-screened Credit Card Offers
    3. Direct Marketing Associations Mail Choices
    4. Contact companies directly through their web site or sometimes by phone.
  7. Read newspaper online or a shared copy. Use eBooks instead of paper books.
  8. Have all of my important public information for my business on my web site.
  9. Use the notes feature, calendar, reminders, and contacts on my smart phone and computer.
  10. Older Methods I use to be paperless using marker board and message / plastic letter boards
    Message/ menu /letter board
    Message/ menu /letter board

    Marker board
    Marker board

    directory / plastic letter board
    directory / plastic letter board
  11. Sell the furniture at a low cost after I get rid of enough papers
    20 years after making it, I sold the bookshelf. An accomplishment of going towards being paperless.
    20 years after making it, I sold the bookshelf. An accomplishment of going towards being paperless.

 More about being Paperless

Content ©1999 - Nathan Steffenson, Nate's Computer Services - All rights reserved. - Be Green! save money and energy. Please do not print this web page.